There are two types of Korean student visas: Visa D2 and Visa D4.

D2 visa (symbol is D-2 visa) Korea is granted by the Korean Embassy in Vietnam, or the Korean Consulate General to candidates who are accepted by a college/university on the Korean side to study a major. specific industry in the formal system. Includes all levels of study: College, university, master, doctorate, academic programs, research.
Visa D2 requires you to have a Korean Topik certificate. Depending on the level of Korean language you have, you will be granted the appropriate type of visa. If you reach TOPIK 2, you will be granted a visa to study at vocational colleges. Reaching TOPIK 3, you will be able to study at regular colleges and universities. If you reach TOPIK 4, you will be granted a graduate student visa.

Visa Classification D2

D2-1: College student
D2-2: College student
D2-3: Master’s students
D2-4 PhD Student
D2-5 research
D2-6: Exchange students
D2-7: Studying abroad – working together (studying in Korea while studying)
D2-8: Short-term study abroad.

            Visa D2

When you have a D2 visa, it means that you already own the following special rights:

You will fully enjoy all benefits from the HQ Government for international students.
Length of stay: 6 – 12 months, visa extension is allowed in Korea with the help of the school or agency you are studying and working.
Allowed to work 20 hours/week. During vacations or weekends unlimited overtime.
Visa D2 has the right to sponsor relatives to come to Korea while you study abroad.
🌻How to get D2 Visa?
There are 3 ways for you to get a D2 visa

🍁 First way: Studying abroad under D4-1 visa first
This is the most common way. If you apply for a D4-1 visa in advance, you will be able to study Korean for 6-24 months. After you achieve TOPIK 3 certificate, you will be granted a D2 visa to major in colleges and universities in Korea.
This D2 visa will have a maximum stay of up to 5 years (depending on the duration of the major).

🍁Second way: Study abroad under Visa D4-6 first
When you study abroad with a D4-6 visa first, it means you will learn a specific job at a vocational college. To go this way, you need to graduate from high school and have TOPIK 1 level 2. After you come to Korea, you will learn Korean until you reach TOPIK 2 or higher, and then you will be transferred to a college major.

🍁3rd way: Studying abroad under a D2 visa, majoring in 100% in English.
In some majors in Korea, training will be conducted entirely in English. If you have good English but do not have TOPIK 2, you can study abroad under this system to get a D2 visa.
In general, to get a D2 visa, what you need to do is learn Korean well. This will be a prerequisite for you.

Visa D4
Visa D4 is a type of visa granted to DHS to study Korean and do vocational training in Korea. This can be considered a type of visa issued by private organizations in Korea. This type is divided into 2 types: Visa D4-1 and Visa D4-6.

What are the benefits of D4 Visa?
Enjoy all benefits from the Korean government for legal DHS in HQ.
Overtime 20 hours/week. Weekends and holidays, holidays and New Year will not limit overtime.
Length of stay: 6-12 months.
Extend your visa right in Korea without going back to Vietnam, of course, with the support of the school/agency you are studying and working in.
Visa classification D4
Visa to study Korean: D4-1
This is the most common type of visa currently granted to DHS students studying at Korean language schools in Korea.
Conditions for getting a D4-1 visa are quite simple, including:

Graduated from high school or higher (graduated within 3 years)
High school GPA of 5.0 or higher.
No conviction is.
Not banned from exiting in Vietnam and not banned from entering Korea.
No relatives illegally residing in HQ.
Student visa: D4-6
This type of visa is only granted to DHS who are admitted by a certain vocational college in Korea. This DHS must register to study abroad with a specific profession, such as: Hairdressing, mechanics, electronics, cooking, garment …

Visa D4-6

The advantage of studying abroad with this type of visa is that you will get a paid internship right during your study period.
To be granted a D4-6 visa, you need to meet the following basic conditions:
Graduated from high school with a GPA of 5.0 or higher.
Or graduated from high school/college/university.
No relatives residing illegally in Korea.
Ensure health conditions for learning.

🌻 What is the difference between Visa D4-6 and D4-1?
Differentiate the student . receiving regionIn April 2017, the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs announced a list of 58 districts in 12 provinces and cities that stopped accepting laborers to work in Korea. With a D41 visa, some schools have taken that list and do not accept DHS with permanent residence there. And visa D4-6

Visa conversion
Visa D4-1, you must have a Topik 3 certificate to be transferred to Visa D2.
With a D4-6 visa, you will be able to switch to an E7 visa faster and easier. After completing college, you will receive a vocational certificate and a vocational college diploma. After that, they will be converted to E7 Visa – engineer visa, or D10 visa to continue working long-term in Korea.

Regulations on overtime
With a D4-1 visa, you will be limited in overtime, only allowed to work 20 hours/week.

As for VisaD4-6, you will be able to work more, get paid internships. Specifically, you will only study for 4 hours/day, from Monday to Thursday. Study 2 theory sessions and the remaining 2 sessions will go to factories and companies to study abroad to work and receive salary. The remaining days are free and free to work with no time constraints.

💐💐💐 Hurry up and contact 🍀SP GLOBAL EDUCATION🍀 for advice! 💐💐💐

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