Country: Japan

Area: 377,975 km2

Population: 125,960,000 people

Capital: Tokyo

Five major cities: City of Tokyo, Yokohama City, Osaka City, Nagoya City, Sapporo City

Climate: The average annual temperature is 22.7 degrees Celsius in Naha, Okinawa Prefecture in the south, and Ishigaki Island in the Yaeyama Islands is 24 degrees Celsius, which belongs to the rainforest climate, Kagoshima City in Kyushu is 18.3 degrees Celsius, and Osaka City is It is 16.5 degrees Celsius, and the old area of ​​Tokyo is 15.9 degrees Celsius. Nemuro city in northern Hokkaido is the lowest of 6.1 degrees Celsius. However, with the exception of Hokkaido and Okinawa Prefecture’s Yaeyama Islands, Tokyo’s Okinotori Island, and Minamitori Island, most of the regions belong to a temperate climate with a mild climate, with distinct four seasons.

Education: Education in Japan is a highly competitive system for admission to higher education institutions. Therefore, preferred universities are concentrated. Among them, the University of Tokyo and Kyoto University are among the top rankings, so competition is intense. Japan ranks 6th in the world in the program for international student evaluation centered on the OECD.

How is study abroad in Japan?

Learning Japanese, learning Japanese culture, learning Japanese people, learning Japanese science and technology achievements, all aspects of studying in Japan are perfect. So, if you have the possibility to study abroad, studying in Japan is a good option.


Generally speaking, you can choose English or Japanese when studying in Japan, but most Japanese universities require at least an N5 Japanese certificate. If you have never learned Japanese, come to Japan to study Japanese for a year and your Japanese ability will improve dramatically. Especially if you learn well, one year of studying Japanese in Japan is the same as four years of studying Japanese in Vietnam.

Professionally good educational programs in Japan

The Japanese language education system is very structured and the education system from vocational training to university and graduate school can meet your learning needs. At vocational schools, only transcripts and interviews may be considered.

However, if you enter the undergraduate or graduate system, you can enter interviews and university entrance exams as in Vietnam, but it is not too strict for foreign students. All occupations in Japan are closely related to trained academic curriculum and advanced teaching methods.

Job opportunities after graduation

Due to the aging of Japan, the country is severely short of human resources. According to 2020 data, Japan’s population over the age of 64 makes up 23%.

The Japanese government has many preferential policies to attract foreign workers. Therefore, you are most likely to find a job after graduation. In particular, a large number of manpower is required in industries such as hotel and restaurant management, design-construction, mechanical engineering, technology-automobile engineering, nursing-nurse, and information technology (IT).

Japanese companies are investing heavily in the Vietnamese market. If you don’t want to work in Japan, you will have many job opportunities in your country. This is because you have a lot of expertise, experience working in Japan, and Japanese.

Studying and working programs

Many people hesitate to be able to study in Japan alone because of the budget. Currently, there are programs in Japan to study and work in Japan. Overtime of 28 hours per week is allowed. You can work overtime outside of the specified hours, which increases your income significantly.

In this way, you can pay the full cost of living and tuition while studying abroad. Even hard-working and smart friends can send extra money home for family members.